Attentional Equity

We strive to learn about, call attention, and act against microaggressions, bias, and racism through the collective action of the C3 and the greater Pittsburgh region. This process includes learning practical communication skills and identifying and prioritizing issues where our networks, skills, and resources combined with our trusted relationships can result in meaningful impact.

Impact Prioritization

While we recognize the myriad of structural challenges facing our region, a core value of the C3 is to find alternative ways to prioritize and focus our resources and attention on critical issues which we can meaningfully impact over the following years and decades.

Mutual Respect

We will find it easy to disagree with one another along the path and must recognize explicitly that each voice deserves equal respect, from whatever station the voice emanates. The law of equality and just attention is primal in ensuring that we maintain the respect for one another that can enable group counsel to be of authentic value. 
